hello sister circle, mine is to live light, laugh, learn and smile....
I ask that we engage each other in constructive debates to broaden the well of our individual intelligence. Growing up we were taught one is raised by the community, oh, how times have changed so profusely, some things for the better however few and others for the worst and most despicable situations of our time, we have forgotten to safe guard our heritage and not how to respect our elders. A simple hello has been thrown to the sidelines of the hecticness of urban living and the buzz of constant time chasing, where do we go from the rising of moral degeneration and utter disregard of life.
Mine is to be taught and learn, I have come across a super quote along the way by Albertina Sisulu that reads as follows: "We are required to walk our own road- and then stop, asses what we have learnt and share it with others. We can do no more than tell our story." So friends, I simply ask that we do so buy recording and documenting our life lessons, let's record our mutual and individual histories for the following generations to come. My story, your story can teach and reach the world a person at a time.
Ms L, I love you sister for adding us to your world of blogs, may your light shine brightly always...
To the rest of the circle let's stand up and heard... Bua, Thetha, Praat, Sign, Speak yet most definately write your own experiences, let's share the water that is knowledge around form our own personal wells.
Thank Zomzi... I find that blogging has been a blessing to me. I like to talk and share things and since I've moved to this town [will not say which] I've had some difficulty adjusting. I find that by blogging I get to share with friends and others who are willing to listen. That is enough for me. I'm not sure if anyone will learn anything from me. That is okay. I'm not sure I have a lot to teach anyway... but I do have a lot to share. I just want more people to feel free to talk, debate and inspire others. We can only go from strength to strenght...